Are you a Gen-Z or Millennial and...
Do you...
Feel pressured to impress others with a "perfect" lifestyle, but deep down, you're not living the way you truly want, while feeling intimidated by the competition around you?
Have you...
Blamed yourself, or your closed ones, for falling behind and settling for less especially after facing major setbacks that could bring you to give up on your dreams?
Are you...
Finding it difficult to manage your time, juggling family, studies or work, and personal goals, while also managing family expectations of you ?
Feel like...
Unable to break free and improve your financial situation, even though you feel you know how to manage your money and what is needed to optimise your finances?
money not a topic discussed in your family and have you seen them struggling financially when growing up, and now you are not sure how to effectively manage your money?
Have you...
Seen or experienced in your family the pressure of sending money back home while struggling to make ends meet, leaving you worried about generational poverty ?